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Kushner Role in White House Suddenly Unclear; may ‘Return to Private Life’
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Kushner Role in White House Suddenly Unclear; may ‘Return to Private Life’


In the first segment of Friday night's "Trump bombshell" report published almost at the same time by Reuters and the WSJ, anonymous sources reported that Trump is preparing a "war room" upon his Saturday return from Europe, to "combat negative reports and mounting questions about communication between Russia." We did point out some discrepancies: on one hand, Reuters said that Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner (who subsequently WaPo reported was trying to set up "backchannels" with Russians in the second Friday night long-weekend bombshell) were coordinating the "war room" and the White House's new messaging effort, which also aims to push Trump's policy agenda and schedule more rallies with supporters. On the other hand, contradicting Reuters, WSJ reported that neither Bannon nor Kushner were safe in the upcoming White House spring cleaning overhaul.

Read the rest at ZeroHedge


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